15/12/2017 0 Comments Extreme Reading: what's it all about?As part of the latest efforts to promote reading at KEVI, Miss Lambe and the English Department have unveiled the “Extreme Reading Competition”. We interviewed Miss Lambe about the benefits of this initiative and how to get involved.
27/9/2017 0 Comments School Clubs 2017-18Please see below information regarding the School Clubs on offer this term. More clubs may be added throughout the year, so please check back next term. ![]()
18/11/2016 0 Comments Pupils take part in Enrichment dayOn 18th November 2016, King Edward VI High school hosted an Enrichment day. All years took part and helped to participate in these activities and events. For Year 7, they did the desert challenge (involved in using newspaper to build a shelter from the sun which had to fit in one person),creative croissants in origami (this involved using paper to make it into a shape of a croissant) and self-portraits in art (this involved each group having a portrait divided into squares and each person was responsible for recreating one square using different textures and materials). Some of these challenges had prizes and rewards for the best. For Year 8, they were doing problem solving in both P.E and maths and designing products. For Year 9, they were learning about culture and countries in humanities and English. In Year 10, they chose what they wanted to do in work experience and working on their CVs. Finally, in Year 11, they were doing their Science controlled assessments for their GSCE’s. Most of these activities that took place helped students with leadership skills, teamwork ability and problem solving skills. We had interviewed students on what they were doing and if they enjoyed it or not. These interviews were with Evie Austin and Max Greensill; you can see these interviews on KEVI TV. All of the other students looked like they were enjoying themselves as we went around the school.
By Christopher Austin and Ben Trigg This year's list of School Clubs and House Competitions has been published. With clubs ranging from art to science and Humanities to Poi Spinning there's bound to be something for you!
Also, following Matthews House's stunning victory last year in the House Competitions the heat is now on to see if the Reds can be beaten in this year's House Sports Competitions - a list of which has also been published by the PE Department. Find out what's going on and decide which competition you want to be a part of and do your House proud! For details, please visit the School Clubs page by clicking the button below and GET INVOLVED! King Edward VI High School is proud to announce that we are now licensed to deliver the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award to our students.
This award is widely recognised by employers and is considered the world’s leading youth achievement award, offering young people the opportunity to take part in a wide range of life-changing activities and challenges. 30/11/2015 Year 8 in PiXL Edge opportunityPupils in Year 8 are to take part in a new programme being rolled out across the school called PiXL Edge.
Employers and Universities have said they look for 5 core attributes in standout students: Leadership, Organisation, Initiative, Resilience andCommunication. The PiXL Edge is a framework for schools to develop and accredit in students those personal attributes essential for employability and life. The Edge website is a way of pupils logging their achievements in and out of school under each of the five headings above. Students will qualify at three levels:
At each level there are a variety of approved activities that students can undertake for each of the key attributes, the number of activities that need to be completed varies depending on the level. The activities are rated as level Apprentice, Graduate or Masters according to their duration, the size of the team involved and the number of people exposed to the activity. Pupil login details will be provided by their Form Tutor – this login is unique to them and can be linked to their Google/Facebook account. Once a week, pupils will be working on their progress and updating their activities. They will also be able to access and edit their account via a mobile PiXL Edge app. As a school which never stands still and is always looking to improve; we want our pupils to follow our footsteps and strive to be the best they can be. The Edge program will allow them to develop and be accredited for five key attributes essential for employability and life. This begins in Year 8 when your child will be introduced to The Edge program and will start to log their activities and provide evaluations for each one. We hope this will encourage them to get involved in as many extra-curricular opportunities as possible both in and out of school – some of which they may have never even thought of before now! There are numerous activities which your child can be accredited for; from something as simple as being a register monitor in form time to organising a small fundraising event in school for charity. As parents we invite you to be part of their unique journey; encourage your child to talk to you regularly about their progress and achievements with the Edge. As a school we will be rewarding pupils as they complete their levels and for logging the most activities. We will also reward those pupils who show perseverance and true determination to complete activities. We want to ensure that your child leaves our school not only with the best qualifications possible but with a myriad of personal attributes allowing them to stand out from the crowd and achieve their goals. Competition for University places and employment today is ever increasing and together we can help your child embrace this program which will undoubtedly give them the Edge. If you are unsure about the Edge; how the program runs or have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me using the details on the PiXL Edge webpage which can be accessed here. Report by Miss Cotton 11/9/2015 University challenge!From the 9th to 11th September 2015 King Edward’s new Year 12s and 13s took part in a three-day induction period in order to get to know new students and improve our team building skills. The induction was a great success and it was nice to feel as though Year 12 and 13 were becoming more integrated and supportive of one another.
During the first day, students participated in a bake-off style competition aiming to create a bread product superior to the rest! Ideas included Sammy the Snail bread, Baking Shapes Tetris bread and Alphabread; the overall turnout was very impressive and was definitely a great way to welcome students back to school. After this, the Sixth Form took part in an activities day on the field aimed at bringing us closer together and helping us work as a team. Challenges included building a structure out of just wood and ropes, and it became clear throughout the day that communication was key! Finally, on Friday 11th, students visited Staffordshire University and took part in a range of activities ranging from talks about university itself, to dramas regarding conflict in school (some of which were extremely creative). The Staff hosted a great day for all involved and everyone went away having learned something new, or having something different to think about. Overall, a productive and helpful induction period was enjoyed by all, and the new Year 12s and 13s have transitioned smoothly into the new and exciting challenges which await them. Report by Grace Edge Y13 10/9/2015 Trying team tasks for Transition!As part of the transfer to Sixth Form our first week was jammed full of activities which were designed to help make new friendships and to bring the two sixth form year groups closer together.
On our second day, the school outsourced a company to run outdoor exercises to encourage teamwork, communication and to help turn our brains back on after so many weeks out of school. The groups were made up of around 10 people from Years 12 and 13. In these teams we completed a number of challenges throughout the day, some much harder than others. One my group found particularly difficult was the Chinese Whisper themed game. This involved the group passing information along a line of people in order to recreate a shape using the same blocks on the finishing side of the line. After many attempts, the team was able to complete the challenge as we began to learn from our mistakes. Probably the most enjoyable activity was when our team split in to two see who could build the tallest tower out of bamboo, tape and string. This was a extremely competitive activity as the other groups tower was right next to ours. Amid a very competitive atmosphere, each team raced to make the tallest tower. At the end there wasn’t much difference in height but our team won. I think the day was extremely helpful in making my transition to sixth form easier and much more enjoyable. Report by Joe Harte Y12 9/9/2015 Getting bready for Sixth FormOn 9th September there was a transition day for the new Year 12s who have recently moved up from Year 11.
Both Year 12 and Year 13 were split into teams to participate in an activity, the task was to shape, design and make a brand of bread complete with packaging. Since both years were mixed up it created a great opportunity to talk and work with people that we might not have spoken to before. Coming up with ideas for the logo, shape, brand name and packing was a lot of fun to do because it got everyone in the team involved and it was fun to see people coming up with interesting ideas. By the end of the day you got to know the people in your team a little bit better than you did at the start of the day. Having the activity be a competition was also a great idea for motivation because everyone was very competitive. One of the most interesting parts of the day was the end as you got to see the end product of each teams, which included alphabet bread where you could spell your name; loafers which were bread slippers for making sandwiches; a crown, as it was the same day that the Queen became the longest-reigning British monarch, as well as many more. It was surprising to see how many different and unique ideas people came up with for their bread company. The other exciting part was to see which team won the competition, each team had to do a presentation in front of the judges as well as receive a vote from the audience which would contribute to their overall score. In the end the winning bread was the tetris bread which was bread shaped into tetris blocks so you could play with them. Overall the day was a huge success and everybody really enjoyed themselves. Report by Tan Suntronsaratoon Y12 ![]()
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