King Edward VI High School has won the top prize at a local arts competition after submitting entries in poetry and art into a local exhibition.
Abigail Cox-Voyle and Emily Bromley (Year 8) won the Green Star Award for their artwork with Maye Williams and Angel Bailey gaining a Highly Commended. In the poetry category, Rosie Bevans picked up the top award in her age category with Matthew Wright as runner-up and Stacey Nicholas highly commended. ‘There is No Planet B!’ is Stafford’s popular, annual ‘Green Arts Festival’. The event encourages people of all ages and abilities to exhibit artwork of any form that inspires concern and respect for our planet. Artwork might include paintings, collages, models, sculptures, photographs, mobiles and ceramics, posters and poems all helping us show the world how much we care for our precious, one and only, Planet A. This year our school has joined the Stafford Borough Eco-Schools Network and has taken part in Art Workshops and the art work and poetry that those workshops inspired are on display in St Chad’s Church in Stafford. All of the art work in the festival in on display in St Chad’s from 10am to 4pm each day until Saturday 5th March. Headteacher, Mr Christey, congratulated the students on their success, "What an achievement for them all and well-deserved of their awards. The school is very proud of them". A big thank you to Mr Johnson and his talented group of poets and to Mrs Kelly and Miss Shepard for all their work in supporting the students to take part in the Arts Festival. More information on the Festival can be found at or there is a Facebook page called There is No Planet B Stafford.
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