Staff and pupils at King Edward VI High School are celebrating after a recent Ofsted inspection judged the school to be “Good”. The school, which 20 months ago had been labelled “inadequate” by inspectors, has been recognised for “rapid improvements in all aspects of the school’s work since the previous inspection.” The report concluded that, “This is a good school”. Her Majesty’s Inspectors further acknowledges that “Effective teaching means that pupils in key stages 3 and 4 now make good progress.”
Headteacher, Jason Christey, praised staff, parents and pupils for their hard work and commitment in raising standards. He said, “We are absolutely delighted that inspectors have recognised the hard work that pupils, parents and staff have put in over the past two years. We have worked tirelessly to help raise standards and believed we had an excellent level of education to offer our young people. It is great to see that this has now been endorsed by the inspectors. This has been an incredible team effort and I am very excited for the future of our school.” The report, which is now available on the school’s website, said “Relationships are strong throughout the school. Teachers know their pupils well. Pupils trust their teachers and other adults. Consequently, they feel safe and well supported. Pupils now make good progress in almost all subjects by the end of Year 11. Achievement is strongest in the humanities subjects.” Last year, the school celebrated some of its best ever exam results, with one of the highest Progress 8 scores in Staffordshire, the new government benchmark for measuring school performance. Mr Christey added, “Our staff and pupils can now go home for a well-earned summer break with their heads held high, proud of their dedication and effort this year.”
15/12/2017 0 Comments Extreme Reading: what's it all about?As part of the latest efforts to promote reading at KEVI, Miss Lambe and the English Department have unveiled the “Extreme Reading Competition”. We interviewed Miss Lambe about the benefits of this initiative and how to get involved.
17/11/2017 0 Comments Edwardians rememberOn Friday 10th November 2017, the school held its annual Remembrance Service to remember the people that fought, or are fighting, for us in war and the people that gave their lives to protect their country.
The school invites ‘Old Edwardians’ every year to its Remembrance Service. The ‘Old Edwardians’ are ex-students of King Edward VI High School, and they are people who have experienced war or had close family or friends fight in war. Two students from King Edward VI High School interviewed the ‘Edwardians’, to learn about what their experience of the war was. When one of the ‘Edwardians’, who was 85 years of age, was interviewed, we were told that: school life was enjoyable and he was seven years of age when the Second World War (WW2) broke out, and that he had two brothers and one sister. He also told us that they were never short of food as his family had an allotment, so they grew their own food. He then told that his first job after he left school was a shop in Stafford. The former student also told us that his father fought in both World Wars. He also told us that he became a Royal Air Force (RAF) jet engineer after the Second World War and that he had a brother, Sergeant A.H. Dingley, who was his older brother that was pilot. Unfortunately, his brother passed away fighting for his country. This is why the student that we interviewed, was very thankful to our school for holding this memorial service; to thank the people that have died, have suffered or have been injured from wars. Report by Matthew Arthur and James Tincknell 17/10/2017 0 Comments Apply for KEVI 2018Video our latest promo videos about coming to King Edward VI High School in September 2018! Video 1 Video 2 6/10/2017 0 Comments Pupils raise over £800 for charityOn Friday 29th September, Miss Mouat and the KEVI Food Tech department raised £804 for cancer support charity Macmillan as part of the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning – the UK’s biggest fundraising event for people facing cancer.
Available was a selection of cakes, coffee and other drinks which were enjoyed by the many in attendance, with timed slots throughout the day to ensure that all who wished to could enjoy what was on offer. Also held was a raffle, in which both students, teachers and parents alike could enter to win a selection of prizes. Well done to all involved, both those who attended and the members of staff and pupils that helped to host – thank you for giving up your time to help others in need. Hopefully even more money will be raised for this great cause next year. Christopher Austin and Joel Lufton, Y10 28/9/2017 0 Comments WW1 Battlefields Tour 2018The school will be running another WW1 Battlefields Tour in 2018 to visit France and Belgium. Please visit the tour page to download a letter and for further details.
Staffordshire County Council have updated their information regarding penalty notices. Please see the download below. ![]()
27/9/2017 0 Comments School Clubs 2017-18Please see below information regarding the School Clubs on offer this term. More clubs may be added throughout the year, so please check back next term. ![]()
15/7/2017 0 Comments End of term informationSchool finishes on Friday 21st July at 12.40pm when the school breaks up for the Summer Holidays. The day will also be a Mufti Day with £1 donations going to charity. The school will reopen for all students on Wednesday 6th September 2017. Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable break!
Perkins Tennis Ball Launcher Competition with multi-armed trebuchet, a brilliant feat of engineering from Mr S Bradbury. Longest distance WINNERS for the second year in a row.
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