29/6/2014 0 Comments Help a child to readLove reading? Can you help a child love reading too? 1 in 8 children in England left primary school last year behind in their reading. Beanstalk urgently need volunteer reading helpers to support children in our school. Our volunteers have a love of reading AND a commitment to helping children to read 3 hours per week for 12 months. It’s incredibly rewarding and can make a great difference to a child’s life.
Start your journey today! Contact the local office of Beanstalk on 01782 827375 or visit www.beanstalkcharity.org.uk.
26/6/2014 0 Comments Competition time for Year 7Pupils in Year 7 have been given the opportunity to take part in a creative writing competition by the English Department.
Pupils who love creative writing are in with a chance of winning a signed copy of Lauren Child's latest novel "Look Into My Eyes". To enter, students need to write their own short story between 250 and 500 words on any topic they like. It can be handwritten or typed. All entries must be submitted to their English teacher by Thursday 10th July. For more information speak to your English teacher or Mrs Brough. Good luck! ![]()
22/6/2014 0 Comments Aiming High Summer Activities 2014![]()
A student at King Edward VI High School has been nominated in the Staffordshire Newsletter and Stafford College's Children of Courage Award 2014 in recognition of the support she provides to her parents.
Hannah Taylor, a Year 9 student, has been nominated by her grandmother, Mrs Taylor, along with other children who deserve recognition. Hannah’s dad is profoundly deaf and her mother has severe hearing loss so Hannah and her younger brother Ryan provide vital support to them. She is a fluent British Sign Language signer, along with Ryan, having been using BSL since she was a toddler. Last year she achieved her BSL Level One certificate and is about to take her Level Two. Hannah took the lead role in training the family Labradoodle, Wispa, to use sign, as well as voice so that her parents were involved. She regularly answers the phone, the door and brings her parents up to speed with anything they might have missed or misunderstood, including TV programmes and IT support. Mrs Taylor said: “Signing is like breathing for Hannah. She was able to sing and sign nursery rhymes at 15 months old. She could express her feelings far in advance of her age through sign. “She is a delightful young lady, mature and sensitive to the needs and feelings of all around her." “As her Grandmother I am delighted to be able to nominate Hannah for The Special Recognition Award.” Headteacher Mr Christey has praised Hannah for her nomination, "Hannah is a hard-working and dedicated student who balances well the challenges of school life with the support she gives at home. She deserves the recognition she has received and the school is very proud of her." Read Hannah's interview in the next issue of The Edwardian. To read the full article and vote for Hannah, go to http://www.staffordshirenewsletter.co.uk/Children-Courage-chance-vote/story-21158897-detail/story.html |
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