Four students in Year 10 have been raising money and supplies for a local homeless charity, whilst also raising awareness of their important work.
Daniel Preece, Kyle Edge, Liam Smith and Shaun Johnson, all studying BTEC Work Skills, organised a car wash and a food collection for the House of Bread, a local homeless charity based in Stafford. Staff at school paid for the cars to be washed, whilst staff and students brought in food donations to support the work that the charity does for those in need. Students presented the donations to the charity at the end of term in a visit to the charity's offices at Staffordshire Technology Park. The charity thanked the students at King Edward VI High School for their support; "Thank you all....Wonderful work". According to their website, "House of Bread was first established in September 2010 as an outreach project run by Churches Together in the UK. It provides a safe environment for those in need to come together and share a meal, make new friends and be amongst people who care without judging them. House of Bread also provides a network of support, provides clothing, food bags and toiletries and has close links with other supporting agencies in Staffordshire." The news comes on top of ongoing fundraising organised by Head Girl, Fran Bishop, Head Boy, Brandon McEleny and Sixth Former Georgie Rowe who have helped raise £235 for House of Bread over the past 10 months through various events including raffles held at Parents' Evenings. Headteacher, Mr Christey, praised all the students on raising awareness of a local charity. "Kyle, Dan, Shaun, Liam and the Sixth Form should be congratulated for their commitment to local charity projects and supporting the work of others. This is a fantastic achievement. Well done to all involved for giving up their time for such a worthwhile cause".
24/3/2016 0 Comments £150 raised for local wildlifeYear 10 students have been very busy this term with fundraising for local charities. As well as raising money for the local House of Bread homeless charity, some Year 10s have been baking to raise money for another worthy cause, Hedgehog and Garden Bird Rescue. Lewis Turner, Aiden Levison and Courtney Clemson, with the assistance of Mrs Essery, Mrs Holt and Year 11s, baked dozens of cakes and sold raffle tickets to raise money to help local wildlife. Their efforts raised £150 for Hedgehog and Garden Bird Rescue. The raffle prize was won by Mrs Wilson who won a beautifully-baked cake by our in-school food technician, Mrs Essery.
The students and the charity thanked everyone for their support in raising so much money. Headteacher, Mr Christey, added "Well done everyone. You managed to raise a great deal of money in such a short space of time. Your efforts are very much appreciated by the charity and by your school. Well done!" A school Easter Egg Hunt, organised by Mrs Eaton, has raised £48.50 for the NSPCC. The event, which sent students on a hunt around the school grounds for clues, helped raise money for charity, as part of a series of events organised by Leader of Expressive Arts, Mrs Eaton, who is building up to taking part in the London Marathon on 24th April.
Mrs Eaton thanked students for taking part in the hunt and for helping raise funds for the important work of the children's charity, the NSPCC. 22/3/2016 0 Comments Easter Egg Hunt for charityDuring lunchtime on Thursday 24th March, there will be an Easter egg hunt to raise money for charity, starting in the Music Room at 1pm.
It is £1 to enter, and the first clue will be given by Mrs Eaton at 1pm. Each clue is a riddle that will need to be solved in order to find the location of the hidden Easter egg. All money raised will go to the NSPCC - a charity that Mrs Eaton is running the London Marathon for this year! For more details please speak to Mrs Eaton or e-mail [email protected] and get hunting! Students and staff at King Edward VI High School have raised £165.40 after taking part in a day of events at school for Sport Relief. The events, organised by PE teacher Miss Cotton, saw pupils taking part in a sponsored bounceathon and a "Great KEVI Bake Off". Miss Cotton said she was "very impressed by the level of support and enthusiasm for the events" and thanked all students for taking part and for their excellent baking. Efforts at the school have contributed to an incredible total of £56,984,007 raised by events across the UK for the national charity. Of all the money raised by the public through Sport Relief, 50% is used to make a difference right here in the UK, and 50% goes towards transforming lives across the world’s poorest communities.
Miss Cotton said, "Well done to everyone who took part in Sports Relief on Friday. We raised £165.40 through the bounceathon and also the cake sale. Anyone who took part in the bounceathon will get one achievement point and anyone who baked cakes for the sale will get two achievement points. Well done everyone!" Headteacher, Mr Christey, added, "Yet again King Edward's has shown what incredibly generous students and active citizens it has here. The pupils' involvement in local community events demonstrates what well-rounded pupils we have at this school. Thank you and well done to all who participated and were part of making these important events such a success". Three lucky students from King Edward VI High School have taken part in a special international service in London after winning a school competition. Ellie Mills, Jonty Harte and Carenza Price were just three of many students to take part in The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition 2016. Their entries were judged to be the best in the school by teachers and so had the honour of representing King Edward's at the Commonwealth Day Observance at Westminster Abbey in London on 14th March in the presence of Her Majesty The Queen. The service involved schools from across the UK and dignitaries and performers from across the Commonwealth, celebrating the unity and diversity of the association of nations. Her Majesty The Queen, His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, were just some of the VIPs in attendance, along with current British Prime Minister, David Cameron, as well as former leader, Sir John Major. There were performances from Ellie Goulding and reflections and readings from the Prime Minister of Malta and the former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. All three students said they were "proud and excited" to have taken part in such a special service, coinciding with The Queen's 90th Birthday in April this year. Each student wrote a piece of literature for the competition on a theme of "An Inclusive Commonwealth", each of which can be read below. In-school competition organiser, Mr Lomas, said "All three students should be very proud of their work and for having represented their school at such an important international event. The Commonwealth shares many of the values which the school believes in, including democracy and human rights, and it was a great honour for the school to be able to play its part this year". The event was broadcast on BBC One and can still be viewed on BBC iPlayer. 4/3/2016 0 Comments Year 9 in Netball TournamentOn 3rd March 2016, the Y9 netball team attended an inter schools tournament which took place at Stafford Manor High School. The girls who participated were: Ellie Jones, Charis Farmer, Annie Sowerbutts, Bethan Reade, Izzey Kelly, Molly Dewsbury, Lottie Lowndes, Georgia Stanyer, Chloe Burrows, Eve Mace and Charlotte Bradley. The team played 5 games against several schools: which resulted in us taking 4th place in our group. Our best match was against Sir Graham Balfour, as we all played technically well and took a 3:0 lead. Overall our team played exceptionally well throughout the matches and we all enjoyed our experience. We are now currently training ready to participate in our next tournament: which we hope to succeed in.
REPORT BY ELLIE JONES & CHARIS FARMER Y9 Pupils and staff at King Edward VI High School have been celebrating World Book Day in a special way this year with events in the school library and a school-wide fancy dress day.
World Book Day is a celebration! It’s a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it’s a celebration of reading. In fact, it’s the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world. Pupils and staff were asked to dress up as their favourite book character all day whilst going to normal lessons. Students at the school certainly went to town with costumes ranging from books such as Harry Potter to 101 Dalmatians, The Hunger Games and even comic book heroes such as Spiderman. Organiser and English teacher, Miss Lambe, thanked everyone for their support and to staff and students who each donated £1 to the Readathon charity as the annual Readathon Challenge launches next week. Activities were held in the school library including games and competitions and the English Department judged which costumes were the most impressive. Interviews, footage and further details will be available on the new KEVI TV channel which launches soon. King Edward VI High School has won the top prize at a local arts competition after submitting entries in poetry and art into a local exhibition.
Abigail Cox-Voyle and Emily Bromley (Year 8) won the Green Star Award for their artwork with Maye Williams and Angel Bailey gaining a Highly Commended. In the poetry category, Rosie Bevans picked up the top award in her age category with Matthew Wright as runner-up and Stacey Nicholas highly commended. ‘There is No Planet B!’ is Stafford’s popular, annual ‘Green Arts Festival’. The event encourages people of all ages and abilities to exhibit artwork of any form that inspires concern and respect for our planet. Artwork might include paintings, collages, models, sculptures, photographs, mobiles and ceramics, posters and poems all helping us show the world how much we care for our precious, one and only, Planet A. This year our school has joined the Stafford Borough Eco-Schools Network and has taken part in Art Workshops and the art work and poetry that those workshops inspired are on display in St Chad’s Church in Stafford. All of the art work in the festival in on display in St Chad’s from 10am to 4pm each day until Saturday 5th March. Headteacher, Mr Christey, congratulated the students on their success, "What an achievement for them all and well-deserved of their awards. The school is very proud of them". A big thank you to Mr Johnson and his talented group of poets and to Mrs Kelly and Miss Shepard for all their work in supporting the students to take part in the Arts Festival. More information on the Festival can be found at or there is a Facebook page called There is No Planet B Stafford. In order to help our young people to be enterprising and to learn how to put their ideas into action we have suspended the normal school curriculum on Tuesday 8 March and have organised for the Year 10 students to take part in The Ryman National Enterprise Challenge.
Our Enterprise Day will be run by local young entrepreneurs from the Ryman National Enterprise Challenge team. They are very passionate about encouraging young people to use their initiative and develop other essential enterprise skills such as decision making; learning to deal with risk; communication; and team working. The day will be held in the hall where the students will work in mixed groups. Students will register as per normal with their tutors at morning registration and will be registered in the afternoon. We would like to ask the students to come to school for that day in business dress. They have been told that this means a smart and professional dress code - no jeans or casual wear. If they are not in business dress, they need to come in school uniform. A winning team of 6 will be representing the school in July at the National Enterprise Challenge finals which have been sponsored by Theo Paphitis and Ryman plc. The students will be presenting their winning enterprising idea to a panel which will include Theo Paphitis. School will organise transport and the selected students will be accompanied by members of staff. If your child is part of the winning team I will be sending a permission letter home with them. The winning team will need to spend time with me on a Thursday afternoon after school to help create a winning presentation. I am really excited about this opportunity for the students. I know that they might be nervous at first, but they will develop in confidence, make new friends, and will also have a lot of fun. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through e mail [email protected] or by telephone at school. Thank you in advance for your support. Dr J Bentham Leader of Business and Enterprise |
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